Ibby Carlile Foundation

As the owners of a helps/service business, we frequently came across individuals with needs and as we sought to meet those needs, a seed was planted to create a way to sustain our ability to help these individuals as well as provide a way to reach many more folks in need. As we prayed, waited, and inquired of the Lord for His direction, a picture of the early Christian church came into view.  Just as Christ was and is a relational God, we are commissioned to helping seniors, widows, and community folk in need through the context of relational based service. Sharing Jesus with people, rarely requires words, as much as it requires showing people Jesus.  And there is such a tremendous need.  

It was 0ur desire is to establish a pool of resources to pull from in order to assist with immediate needs of people in the community in hopes of establishing lasting relationships with them and ensuring, not only are the physical needs met, but also emotional and social needs as well.  The physical needs are just a means to an end, the end goal being a genuine relationship with these people based on the demonstrated love Christ placed in our hearts.  

The more we meditated on the vision of this non-profit, the greater the variety of opportunities came into view as a means to exercise those gifts and callings placed upon us.  While the inspiration was sparked by need expressed of seniors, we do not feel we are to limit the demographic or the service provided.  Thus the reason our mindset shifted from a typical non-profit organization to a ministry.  

We don’t want to place limits on what we are able to accomplish, for example, a single mom who needs minor car maintenance, or someone who finds themselves in a medical crisis and needs temporary assistance. As the number of people we assist grows, so does the need for a bank of resources, both tangible and intangible. We desire to establish a bank of handymen willing to volunteer time, or maintain a list of hardware stores to able to donate or provide discounts, and even coordinate social activities based on client interest, or set up a class where the seasoned friend is able to teach a younger group.  

These are just the tip of the iceberg in what God wants to do through us using the gifts he placed in us.  We are the part of the body of Christ who are called to care for these beautiful people.  And just as Christ was and is a relational God, He is directing this ministry to be relationship based and driven…providing and coordinating solutions for meeting needs which become apparent through the context of relationships.   


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